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The French Embassy in Iraq, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, French public institutions and the Erasmus+ program offer numerous scholarships to the iraqi students to help them finance their studies in France.

Bourse de doctorat Franco-Irakienne 2025-2026
Joint France-Iraq Program for Doctoral Students

Joint France-Iraq Program for Doctoral Students

Call for applications for the 2025/2026 academic year


As part of the French-Iraqi scholarship program, the Cooperation and Cultural Action Department of the French Embassy in Iraq announces the availability of 20 doctoral scholarships for the 2025/2026 academic year. The scholarship is open to all disciplines, with the exception of medicine. However, the following fields of study will be given priority: Science, engineering, environment, archaeology and heritage, law and French language.


The deadline for submission is August 15, 2024

Applications are made only via the electronic portal of the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations of the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research:



• The candidate must be 40 years old or less.

• The academic average for the Master's degree must not be less than 75% for candidates for a doctorate, or his ranking must be in the top 10 of the graduates of the college.

• Candidates will be tested linguistically and scientifically by a competent interview committee


Application file:

• Euro Pass CV, detailed + cover letter that does not exceed one page

• English language test certificate at level B2 (TOFEL or IELTS) or B2 (TCF or DELF) of French language

• Thesis project that must be up to date and contain a bibliography in accordance with the standards of scientific research

• The candidate should have a contact and/or provisional acceptance in at least one university/laboratory in accordance with the research project presented


France Excellence Eiffel

France Excellence Eiffel

France Excellence Eiffel Scholarship

The Eiffel scholarship program is a tool developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education establishments to attract the best foreign students. It helps train future foreign decision-makers, from the private and public sectors, in priority areas of study.


MASTER: Scholarship duration 24 months. Candidates must be aged 25 or less on the date of the selection committee.

DOCTORATE: Scholarship duration 36 months. Candidates must be aged 30 or less at the time of the application campaign.



• Biology and health

• Ecological transition

• Mathematics and numerical

• Engineering and engineering sciences


• French History Language and Civilization

• Law and Political Science

• Economy and Management

Application and deadline:

• Only French higher education and research establishments can submit application files to Campus France.

• The students must find the establishment, submit their application and it is up to the host establishment to submit their file to Campus France. Attachment (pdf application guide)

Application opening: September

• Deadline for establishments to submit application files to Campus France first week of January

• A minimum of 70% of the scholarships are awarded based on the best grades obtained.



Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) program project, funded by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) and implemented by Campus France will accommodate at least 40 young researchers wishing to carry out their research in France. A minimum of 40 scholarships will be awarded to winning young researchers over a period of 12 months.

Level: Foreign researchers who have had a doctoral degree for less than 5 years can apply for this call for projects.


Excellence Major

Excellence Major

The French government, through the AEFE and the MEAE (Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs), supports student mobility through France Excellence Major scholarships. These scholarships allow the best foreign high school graduates from a French high school in the world to pursue a high-level course in French higher education.

Level: Baccalaureate to register for a license

Field : All

Application procedure and deadline:

• Not having French nationality

• Be enrolled in final year class in an approved French educational establishment abroad

• Have obtained excellent academic results

• Present an orientation project in French education in a course delivering a diploma recognized by the State

• The decision to definitively award a scholarship to the selected candidates is conditioned by the commission on obtaining the baccalaureate with “very good” level and a confirmation of registration in the sector announced in the application.



Program which supports foreign doctoral students to carry out their work-study between an IRD laboratory and a foreign laboratory, to train the executives, experts, and scientists of tomorrow.

Level: be a doctoral student in a foreign country

 Field: All IRD fields (Look IRD laboratories)

Application and deadline:



The Summer University is a two-month training course for 12 to 15 young directors or cinema students wishing to complete their training and technical knowledge as well as perfect their practice of documentary cinema in France.

Level: all

Field : Cinema, documentary


  • Participants are selected jointly by the Cultural Services of the French embassies in the countries concerned by this training program and La Fémis from application files, available from the cultural services (provided by La Fémis).
  • Fluent written, spoken and read French language is obligatory.
  • Applicants must be under 27 years old


Erasmus + est un programme de l’Union européenne qui soutient l’éducation, la formation, la jeunesse et le sport. Grâce à celui-ci, plus de deux millions d’étudiants peuvent bénéficier d’une bourse de mobilité en Europe : il couvre la période 2014-2020 et son budget s’élève à 14,7 milliards d’euros.

L’offre de Masters conjoints Erasmus Mundus est un programme d’études qui délivre des bourses aux meilleurs étudiants du monde, pendant un ou deux ans, quel que soit leur domaine. Pour en profiter, ces étudiants doivent effectuer leur master dans au moins deux pays participants au programme. Plusieurs établissements d’enseignement supérieur français proposent des masters conjoints.

Dans le cadre d’accords bilatéraux entre établissements d’enseignement supérieur, Erasmus+ propose également des bourses de mobilité depuis et vers la France. Elles couvrent les frais d’installations et les frais de séjour. Renseignez-vous auprès de votre établissement.



The scholarship program is open both to future religious executives who will exercise responsibilities within a religious institution and to students with a study project directly and obviously linked to religious sciences.

Levels: Master, Doctorate, Short research stay

Field: Religious sciences

Application and deadline:

• Prove a minimum B2 level in French, by a TCF Test of less than 2 years, or a Delf Test

• Last deadline for receiving applications is April

• Submission of applications only by the cultural cooperation and action service of the embassy (SCAC).